
Stojo Salad bowl, 36oz/1065ml

  • Stojo Salad bowl, 36oz/1065ml


Product Code: Stojo Salad bowl, 36oz/1065ml

  • $29.90 each

Above is just an indicative price, we will forward you the best quote after understanding your full requirements.

A ultraportable, To-Go and reusable salad bowl that four clasp lid creates a spill-proof seal, or Collapse and stack it for space-saving organization, or fill it up and pop on the lid for at-home storage or a spill-proof meal to-go.

The product is BPA free, food grade silicone(LFGB certification), clasps and ring recyclable material grade-5, no phthalates,leads or glue, dishwasher and microwave safe, safe with hot and cold.

A perfect To-Go bowl to use in various occasions, on travels, at your cosy home, or the workplace, the gym, cafe or outdoor such as camping or hiking.

Weight: 0.3 g
Dimensions: 18 × 18 × 3.5 cm


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