
Chute® Mag .6L - Dragonfruit

  • Chute® Mag .6L - Dragonfruit


This product has a minimum quantity of 100

Product Code: 1510601060

  • $34.00 each

Above is just an indicative price, we will forward you the best quote after understanding your full requirements.

Tags: Chute® Mag .6L - Dragonfruit, 1510601060, Drinkwares

  • MAGNETIC HANDLE Keeps the cap stowed while drinking
  • ANGLED SPOUT Provides an ergonomic drink interface that delivers a high flow of water without sloshing or spilling
  • COMFORTABLE TO CARRY Handle designed to comfortably carry a full bottle with two fingers
  • INTERNAL CAP THREADS No more drinking off those uncomfortable bottle threads
  • 7 x 9.5 x 20 cm
  • Drangonfruit

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